Welcome to Shadowtail Kennels! My name is Byron Melton and I am the head of a family of avid squirrel hunters. The only method in which we hunt squirrels is by pursuit of our stock of Appalachian Mountain Feist Dogs. We could not consider squirrel hunting by any other means.
We have raised several Appalachian strains of Mountain Feist Dog over the last decade and a half. Over the years, We have combined these stocks of Mountain Feist into our purpose bred bloodline of "Shadowtail Mountain Feist Dogs". This is the only breed of dog raised, trained, or reproduced here at our home & kennel, which is located in Cannelton, Indiana near the banks of the great Ohio river. We have always striven to produce tree minded, stay put dogs that perform in the squirrel woods regardless of terrain, conditions, or competition. Mountain Feist Dogs from our kennel have gone on to become top notch hunters in all four corners of North America.
Our Mountain Feist dogs are descendants of Cadillac Jack, Grayson, Baldwin, and Buckley Mountain Feist breeding. The Mountain Feist dogs we produce at Shadowtail Kennels are exclusively for use as squirrel hunting dogs or to serve as working dogs on farms or game dogs in other rural areas. Please understand that our kennel does not produce any Mountain Feist puppies or young dogs to be placed into pet or non-hunting homes. Ability is the main focus of our breeding program and I prefer that these dogs are placed with people who will work them and let them realize their full potential as squirrel dogs.
We maintain all of our squirrel dogs in top physical condition and we work our dogs all year long. We train and hunt our dogs in a wide variety of terrain and conditions in Indiana. We also hunt our dogs from time to time in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
We welcome anyone interested in hunting with Appalachian Mountain Feist dogs to come along on a hunt with our squirrel dogs and I. We can hunt at your pace. Hunting with squirrel dogs is an experience like few others and we can assure you that you'll have a great time!
"Proud Hunters Of Appalachian Mountain Feist Squirrel Dogs"