We may produce up to 3 litters a year from within our kennel or through the use of outside stud dogs to our females. The natural treeing ability and hunting instinct of the Appalachian Mountain Feist dog are the main focus of our breeding program. We refuse to use any brood dogs in our breeding program, period. If the dog does not tree its own squirrel in the wild then the dog will not be bred here at our kennel. We selectively breed our dogs based on their natural hunting
ability, genetic traits that I find desirable in a squirrel dog, and to improve the natural born ability in our Mountain Feist Squirrel Dogs. I am a firm believer in hunting the best dogs that I can in the present day while working solely towards producing a much better squirrel hunting dog of tomorrow.
Puppies from our Kennel will be NKC registered at birth. Some of these pups may also be UKC registered depending on the cross. We will gladly have your pup registered across any registry you desire as long as you provide the additional funds to do so.
All of our puppies are raised in a clean, indoor environment and are socialized daily with humans, children, chickens, ducks, and other dogs from birth. We do not raise shy pups of any form here. Any puppy leaving our kennel will have their first round of shots, wormed regularly with Nemex 2 brand wormer, will have its NKC puppy registration, and will have been physically inspected by myself prior to leaving our Kennel. No puppy leaves our kennel prior to 8 weeks of age.
The package that we include with our pups contains a vaccination card with a detailed record of the dates that the puppy was wormed with Nemex 2 brand wormer, their first vaccination date, and the projected vaccination dates out to 1 year old. The package also includes a week supply of puppy food, puppy treats, a tennis ball, chew bone, and a few gray squirrel tails just for good measure.
I cannot guarantee the health of any pup or dog placed in a shipping or hauling situation. As an act of my personal discretion, we refuse to ship any puppy or dog from our kennel. These pups and young dogs are the future of our kennel and their health and well being is placed first and foremost when leaving our kennel. I will hand deliver a puppy or dog to any point on the globe provided my travel expenses are covered by the buyer in addition of the cost associated with buying your pup or dog.
We are extremely grateful to everyone for the overwhelming amount of interest in our Mountain Feist dogs over the last 15 years, however, the Mountain Feist dogs we raise are bred for and intended to be hunted on squirrel, raccoon, or to serve as working dogs in rural areas. We are very selective of where our Mountain Feist dogs are sent and we prefer that they are sent to hunters who will utilize them to their full potential. I do apologize in advance but we do not produce any puppies or dogs to be placed in a "pet" or non-hunting home. These are hard wired working dogs and they need to be afforded the opportunity to preform the task they were bred to excel in.
Our Mountain Feist puppies are priced at $500.00 USD. A nonrefundable deposit of $100.00 (included in price) is required to reserve a puppy in your name. The remaining balance can be paid when your puppy is picked up or hand delivered.
Reservations are only accepted via Personal Checks, USD, or U.S. Postal Money Orders.
We no longer accept Paypal as a validform of Payment.
If you have purchased a female puppy or dog from us in the past then we welcome you and encourage you to breed back to our males, free of charge. I may request a puppy depending on the cross but only a negative brucellosis test would be required to stud back to our males in this situation.
We are extremely proud to have people hunting Appalachian Mountain Feist Dogs from our kennel in the following 35 states:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Maryland, Maine, West Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, New York, Alabama, Montana, Arizona, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Vermont, and Washington.
We accept a very limited amounts of deposits each year. Please feel free to contact us via our contact page if you are interested in getting on our waiting list and I will provide you with my phone number and contact information from there. Thank you again to everyone who has supported Shadowtail kennels over the last 15 years!